LIFE’S ABUNDANCE PREMIUM DOG AND PUPPY FOOD Natural and Healthy Dog and Puppy Food Using Only The Highest Quality Ingredients. These premium dog and puppy food formulas are so important because good pet nutrition is essential for a long, healthy life. Our natural dog and puppy foods are formulated by Holistic Veterinarian, Dr Jane Bicks. Small Dog Food is here to help your big bundle of joy grow and thrive, choose Life’s Abundance Premium Health Food For Large Breed Puppies. Life’s Abundance Emerging science has shown that large breed puppies have slightly different nutritional needs than their smaller breed counterparts. This advanced health food contains the same nutrients found in our flagship formula. Plus a precise balance of protein, calories, calcium and phosphorus to encourage healthy, controlled growth rates and strong teeth and bones. Give your precious large breed pup every opportunity for a long, health and happy life … Life’s Abundance dog and cat food is made in the USA and is packed with premium ingredients so your pet can maintain optimal health for a long and active life. Our premium dog and cat food is loaded with vitamins A, C & E plus omega 3 & omega 6 fatty acids to promote healthy skin and a glossy coat. This natural premium blend contains select chicken and catfish meals whole grains (brown rice) with nutritious fruits and vegetables designed for a balanced diet. At Small Dog Food and Life’s Abundance we never use artificial flavors, artificial colors or artificial preservatives and you won’t find corn or corn gluten or any wheat or wheat gluten in Life’s Abundance premium dog and puppy food. Feed your dogs our small dog food formula. This natural dog food is specially formulated for the unique needs of your small dog.
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Pet Services, Pet Food, Pet Stores, Pet Supplies & Foods-Wholesale & Manufacturers